Are you just plain fed up with the constant battle with weight loss?
Have you tried to stick to new “diet regimes”, only to give up after the initial burst of enthusiasm- and then felt bad about yourself for not having enough discipline and willpower to see them through?
Are you totally confused by conflicting advice in the media?
Do you feel unhappy and self-conscious about your body but just don’t know how to sort it out for once and all, in an easy, organised and manageable way?
Or do you have a fairly good idea of what you need to do in terms of diet and exercise but just can’t seem to put it into practise?
Why it’s hard to lose weight
Why is it so difficult to lose weight, even with the overload of weight loss advice and diet regimes on offer? Because there simply isn’t a “single” best way to lose weight!!! How can a single approach work for us all when we each have different health profiles and underlying psychological factors that affect our eating and lifestyle behaviours? A one-size-fits-all approach, or one which just looks at diet and ignores the psychological and emotional aspects of our eating and lifestyle behaviours just isn’t going to work for most people.
There’s another factor at play here too: knowing what foods and exercise best suit your needs is quite different to actually putting that knowledge into practise. Information on its own isn’t enough. What makes the difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it is overcoming psychological and emotional barriers that keep you stuck in repeated unhealthy behaviour patterns (that’s the motivational coaching part), and having accountability to make sure you stick to your goals and stay there.
Did you know: Research shows you’ll be 80% more likely to succeed in reaching your goals if we combine nutrition with psychology than just using nutritional advice on its own!
My signature weight loss programme teaches you not only what to eat and how to exercise to best suit your needs, but crucially also helps you overcome psychological barriers and keeps you motivated to stay on track.
This programme is for you if you
- Never want to diet again
- Don’t want to rely on willpower and discipline
- Don’t want to feel deprived or hungry
- Want to fit into your clothes and feel great about yourself again
- Want to eat healthy and delicious food- and make it easy
- Want to have more energy
- Want to move past whatever held you back in the past
Ready to feel really good about yourself again and take back control over your weight?
I use a combination of nutrition and lifestyle advice, along with motivational coaching to help keep you on track. From experience, the best way to help you achieve your goals is by working with you for a longer period of time (usually two months or longer). You are unlikely to reap long-term benefits from a ‘one-off’ consultation. Why? Because it takes 3 weeks to change a habit, 6 weeks to develop a new habit and 36 weeks to hardwire this new habit. And making changes requires planning, strategy and continuous fine-tuning to keep you on the right path.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
So, if you’re looking for ongoing comprehensive and versatile support, I’d love to work with you! The length and type of your programme will depend on your current health status, what you want to achieve and your preferred level of support but will typically range from 8 weeks to 36 weeks. Read on below to find which level of support perfectly suits your needs. If there’s another level of support you’re looking for, no problem, we will put together the right programme for you.

For you if you feel confident you can implement the changes needed to reach your goals (translating knowing into actually doing)
Initial Consultation
2 Follow-up

Ideal if you prefer step-by-step support as well as personalised coaching to provide the structure and accountability that makes it 80% more likely for you to reach your goals
Initial Consultation
4 Follow-up
From £600

Perfect for you if you thrive on intensive, comprehensive support and accountability to help transform your eating and lifestyle behaviour
Initial Consultation
6 Follow-up
From £800
I would love to help you regain the healthy body you dream of- and your zest for life alongside it! Many people have questions about how my approach can help them. I am very happy to discuss your health concerns and explore ways we can work together. If you decide you’d like to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps you need to get going. Please feel free to call, text or email me to book a complimentary 30 minute phone/Skype Weight Loss consultation. You’ll be able to tell me about your current situation and where you would like to be, and I’ll explain how I can help you. We can then see if we’re a good fit. If we aren’t a perfect fit, no problem- I will also be happy to share other resources to help you get what you need. I look forward to speaking with you!
Mobile: 07812163324 Email: